
Friday, May 8, 2009

Obesity or the ordinary as we know obesity is a problem that is quite amongst troubled adolescents. On young girls, obesity is becoming a serious problem, because the desire to appear perfect is often defined with the body has a slim / slender and proportionately, is the craving for them. This is worsened by the many ads on television, newspapers and other mass media that always stick-figure women the slim figure and the various ad herb medicines, food and beverages to streamline the body. As a result, millions dollars to spend strict diet, medication, and treatment-treatment in order to lose weight.

Not different from the young girls, adolescent men are afraid to be fat. For them, men who have excess weight will be considered the problems serious enough to attract the type of opponent. Many adolescent males who expect to create the ideal body (a little muscular / stocky) and their desire for it on the part of the activities are channeled through youth sports, but unfortunately for those overweight sporting activities akan feel as punishment. This is often used by the seller of the products, drugs or food penurun weight and lightweight sports equipment.

View the phenomenon with which this happens now, is not excessive if it is said that Obesity is a complex problem often faced by adolescents and adults is also included. This is reflected in a lot of money spent to do the diet, buy drugs weight loss, sports equipment that aims to reduce body weight. 

Obesity or overweight occurs when the body fat (obese) because of the cumulation adipose (adipocytes: a network of stored fat body-specific) excessive. Obesity is a condition so where someone has a weight heavier than the weight ideally occur because of the cumulation of fat in the body.

Obesity in the face, often a teenager react excessive. Not infrequently they were also frustrated because even if the strict diet is to consume and herb medicines or weight loss, the body weight does not decrease. What actually happened? To answer these questions we need to see the factors that caused Obesity. According to experts, is based on the results of research, Obesity can be affected by various factors. These factors are genetic factors, disfungsi a part of the brain, the pattern of excessive eating, lack of movement / sport, emotional, and environmental factors

Want to lose your Weight? do not Stress

Lose weight often becomes a major problem and create stress. Various kinds of diet from the most simple to the most expensive have been tried, but the body weight down briefly, not long then increased again. What's wrong? So what diet is best?

Lose weight in fact closely related to the level of stress someone. If we see more people over the age of 100 years, most of them have the ideal body weight does not alias excess body weight. World modern psychology does not call this a sign of neurosisme. They successfully handle stress well, so in general they are more healthy so that most people's measure kortisol they are also more balanced, the body's immune function better and the ratio of metabolism maintained properly.

Indeed, life in this modern era, we often have to deal with things that can cause stress, ranging from congestion on the road, office affairs, domestic affairs and so forth. This is part of the dynamics of modern life. In the United States alone during the last 10 years the number of visits to the spa to remove the stress increased 71%.

Decrease in stress levels can reduce body weight - this is the result of several research studies in the United States is from Yale University, University of California and several other. If the stress level down someone, kortisol degree (major stress hormone in the body associated with a number of health problems - including Obesity) return to normal level so that it can reduce body fat content, control blood pressure, balance blood sugar and control appetite.

In addition, yoga, massage, exercise and eating the right also to provide benefits to control stress and anti kortisol. Stress causes increased body weight, because kortisol circulating and provide high signal to the brain to increase appetite. Kortisol also provide signals to fat cells for as much as we may hold fat, even when we are trying to reduce calories Feed to lose weight.

If your stress, reduce body weight is also more difficult, because of excessive kortisol slow body metabolism. That is why if you really want the weight of the body and the ideal body shape, you should not in a state of stress. In addition to regular sport, healthy living and eating the right way, manage your stress level, so that the lower body weight becomes easier.

Stress signaling from Skin and Hair

Problems deadline work, couples who are cranky, the boss is always not satisfied until the child is sick. All these problems are common, but can result in stress if you can not mengkontrolnya. Stress can create emotional and physical changes, such as quickly tired, dizzy, or easy emotions. However, stress can also lead to changes in your condition dermatology. Dermatoligist Flor A. Mayoral, MD, FAAD, clinical consultant at the department of dermatology and skin surgery at the Medical Faculty of the University of Miami, Florida, due to the stress conditions that affect the skin, hair and nails, and to control the tip-gejela these symptoms.

Stress and Skin 

When a stress, production of hormones (cortisol) rises. This hormone to increase production of excessive oil in the body. As a result, the pimple appears. A research note that the Archives of Dermatology, Psychological Stress Perturbs Epidermal Permeability Barrier Homeostasis, revealed that stress has a negative effect so that the skin can not function normally. One consequence is the emergence of even pustule on the person who does not even have a pimple problem.

Stress and hair 

There are many reasons why hair may fall out. However, Dr. Flor more confident, stress is a major cause of Hair Loss suddenly. Explanation is when a stress, the hair entry in telogen phase (of hair fall out). Telogen effluvium is the phase normal hair fall that appears in the 3 months after an incident that makes someone stress. However, the hair will grow again within 6 - 9 months. Dr. Flor explained although this is normal, but should still be examined by dermatologist for more thorough examination. "I can not ask the patient to make a strict diet because of lack of nutrition and a decrease in body weight can make a drastic kerontokkan hair," said Dr. Flor.

Psychological Condition on Pregnancy

Monday, May 4, 2009

Burden of physical and mental usually experienced by pregnant women because of hormonal and physical changes to it, such as a broad form of the body and emotional condition of the up and down. This burden is often worsened with the emergence of trauma pregnancy, so that the problems faced by mothers is more complex. 

Trauma during pregnancy, can come from many factors. Trivial things such as watch horror movie can bring trauma when the previous problem if the mother does not witness any type of movie: Horror, fight, or thriller. However, when pregnant, the scene is horrific, chilling, or the imprint can be very distressing and culminate into trauma. Mother so afraid to go to the bathroom alone, afraid steer the car, worried that something will occur that threaten the life, the thrill alone in the night, and so forth. This fear became very abundant, so that it is the psychological condition.

Not all mothers to realize that physical and psychological aspects of the two things are related, the influence of mutual-influence, or almost inseparable. If less good physical condition, the process of thinking, mood, emotion and control the action in daily life will be affected by negative electrical current. Among other things, mood or emotions quickly changed circumstances, increased sensitivity, and changes in patterns or food choices that will also affect the self-concept of the mother. 

Psychological conditions experienced by the mother during pregnancy, and will again affect the physiological activity in itself. The dark mood and emotions that explode-tap ledak can affect the heart, blood pressure, production of adrenalin, sweat gland activity, sekresi sour stomach, and others. Trauma, stress, or psychological stress can also create physical symptoms such as tired, listless, easy to anger, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, or feeling lazy.

Because the changes affect the physical and psychological aspects of it, so easy for pregnant women to experience the trauma. According to Shinto, this trauma that can be perceived by the fetus. In fact, embryo already showed reaction to the stimulation comes from outside the body of his mother. Meanwhile, in the development of the fetus, there are times that are considered critical to the establishment of a body organ. Therefore, would not want pregnant women should maintain the physical and psychological conditions so that the baby can grow healthy.

5 Tips of Destination Wedding

Marriage is a form integrates its men and women to one in the same destination. And one of the goals of marriage is to reach eternal happiness that couples living together. However, the road to happiness is not always smooth. Many obstacles, challenges, and issues that sometimes thwart the road-house stairs. Well, how do we anticipate that house-ladder, we're not rocking? These are the 5 tips to a happy marriage.

Love is a tremendous energy to develop and refine your personality, and her husband. Cinta akan help remove all the obstacles that appear in the middle of the household. Marriage that was built without a foundation of love is actually quite hot-empty. Although not the only condition, love is a role in building the eternal marriage. Thus, love in marriage is something absolute and must be.

Without a sense of mutual trust between the couple's family, the marriage will not necessarily run mulus. Mutual trust will deliver you the feeling of a secure and comfortable. The key, do not chase wasted belief that given your husband. Wife need not suspect the husband, and vice versa, the husband also should not suspect his wife. Build a sense of trust is also a manifestation of adult love.

Marriage without sex can be spelled like vegetables without salt. Trite. Yes, sex is necessary. Although sexual activity and actually aims to get children, but men also need to develop to achieve happiness sex couples life together. Principles of good sex is an openness and honesty in the needs of your own. Basically, sexual activity is to satisfy each other, but avoided the need to exploit the impression pair. Sex fun activities that will give positive impact for both of you.

The presence of children 
Children are a gift of priceless. Marriage without the presence of children often trigger the problem itself. Many families or husband-wife pair that are difficult to get children and desperately trying, and have offspring tend to be. The presence of a child also makes the husband-wife bound and have responsibility for the rearing, caring and love together.

Keeping romantic
Sometimes, the husband-wife pair who have been long enough to build mahligai home is no longer a matter of concern on this one. No words of praise, have dinner together, even as attention is expensive goods. In fact, maintaining romantisme required by the husband-wife pair up anytime, not just when they are engaged. Just to give flowers, kissed cheeks, holding hands, praising each other, or walking through places romantic love dash back to the pair of your life.

Love, Wedding and The Consequence

You often hear of certain people who get married because it was forced. Well, they certainly marry without love. They assumes, if it is habitual, future love will grow as well. Begitupun sure you frequently hear the existence of a forbidden love affair. Parents forbid girls will be engaged with the people who loved the girls as less promising rate. As a result, love the girls did not continue to the wedding.

Still very much the thought that the marriage will make people happy forever. 'Living happily ever after', so the term in English. Is it? Many scientists as a myth to say. Feeling happier certainly decrease the time and ride at the other. Furthermore there is no wedding without a problem a bit.

A national survey in the United States by the National Opinion Research Center, in 2001, showed that only 40% of adults are married, 23% who never married, 19% in the divorce, and 16% are living separately, to report experiencing feeling very happy in their lives. This is more or less the same found in Canada and Europe.

However, it is clear that those who marry more that happy feeling. Note that they are married are generally more happy than those who are not married. Married men and married women happier than those who never married, divorced or separated. On those who do not marry, the average suicide and depression is much higher compared with those who married. A survey conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States found that the average level of depression increased by two to four times greater in adults who do not marry.

Conceive Baby Girl

Before USG facility to be very common, the sex of the baby is often based on the prospective mother's stomach and heart tap. Guess as mangosteen fruit, which is more fantasy than fact decorated.

However, without actually relying on any USG, often a young child who is not bothered ketulungan, is perhaps foreshadow the middle of baby girls. A number of studies from different countries confirm that suspicion.

Especially in the prospective mother is drunk on trisemester early pregnancy that often culminate in the hospital care. Condition called hyperemesis gravidarum was intensively examined by experts epidemiology from the University of Washington. 

Research conducted on 2110 pregnant women who received treatment in the hospital on first three semester, and also of the 9783 pregnant women without any problems.

Researchers found that in fact the first group, most of the women delivered a baby. Even in the prospective mother is treated in the hospital no less than three days, as many as 80% of women delivered babies. 

Similar research conducted by The Lancet published jurmal and Epidemiology, also confirmed the same. 

Still ongoing research to further explore the causes. Most of the shows because of the influence of hormone production during the female fetus baby.

Baby Sign Language

Research has indicated that the brain development of infants more quickly than their vocabulary. Babies know what they want and whenever they want, before they are able to request it. 

Is not this brisk, if you let your baby know when they are hungry, thirsty, tired or cold.

There are many advantages to use sign language with babies beckon you. Many studies of babies recently have produced some signs signaling and benefits such as below: 

Benefits signaling baby sign language; 

- Reduce stress signaling alerts for you and your baby. 

- Baby you will rarely crying and cranky as a result of the reduced stress 

- Sign of signaling does not prevent a pronunciation and language development. This will enhance and stimulate it. 

- Sign of signaling can help you, as parents, know what you like a baby and not be loved, to tell you when your baby is tired, to tell you when your baby is hungry or thirsty, to help you identify if your baby is sick or injured, the baby you communicate using simple sign signaling (drinking, more eating, and can be more)

- You will spend less time playing "the guessing game" trying to guess what is actually a baby you want. 

- Pregnancy or your child will be happy if they are able to communicate with their thoughts and desires. 

- Baby you will increase the level self-confidence and sense of self-esteem to be higher. 

Many people think that babies who are taught sign language akan signaling slower to learn to speak. Although this is not the problem. Which is of the truth. Research has shown that babies who are taught sign signaling akan more motivated and want to speak more quickly than a baby or child who did not communicate before.

View of Psychoanalysis against Violence

Talk about violence from the point of view of psychology, it's not complete if no review of the theory of psychoanalysis is presented by Freud. Freud is one of the fathers of psychology's imagination in the field of psychology (and even in other sectors) is very large, irrespective of all the controversy in the field of religion.

According to the theory of psychoanalysis, the structure of the human soul is divided into three, the superego, ego and id. Superego work based on the principle ideal (that should). Fill in all the superego is the ban and dibatinkan (internalization) of the parents and figures of authority (and the teachings of religion) for the child. Ego work based on the principle of reality. Egolah a particularly conscious of the behavior of individuals. While en easement based on the principle of work / fun. Personal health is a private who has a strong ego, so that is able to control the impetus comes from the id and super ego is.

Basically, human behavior is driven by two primary stimulus, the encouragement to live (Eros) and the encouragement to die (Thanatos). Encouraged to live and then by Freud in a specific sex in the stimulus (Libido) as its core. This is because Freud saw practice based on experience, many patients who have experienced mental disturbances because they can not afford to express their sexual encouragement reasonably. Libido is the energy that fills in the id.

On the other hand, the energy comes from the superego Thanatos. That is why people are strong and dominate superegonya virginity, easily surmounted worries and feeling guilty and ultimately create a covered individual feeling despair and depression (even the desire for suicide). This happens because the energy is directed to the Thanatos themselves. Meanwhile, when the energy is directed to the Thanatos, this will appear in the form of aggression that is destruktif including the various acts of violence.

Based on the view of psychoanalysis can be drawn the conclusion that basically encouraged to perform acts of violence that has become a basic human nature (the default). All human potential (without exception) to violence (either against themselves or to others).

Tips Holiday without Stress

Calculate the travel, adapt to new weather, late re-employment or family created a headache? Holidays should be fun. This the tips. Do not let stress damage your vacation time. Stress during the holiday is often the case, but if you have a prophylactic his case can be solved easily.

1. Start the day with healthy food in the morning. Consumption is also multi-vitamins and protein and with a focus on complex carbohydrates that the body must be obtained. This means do not forget nuts, fruits and vegetables. Avoid consuming lots of sugar. If you start this habit eg consume its vitamin B complex or protein increased about 2 am. Vitamins in the right brain will make you make a good decision. This will also affect the stress and behavior.

2. If you consume the right food you should also drink less alcohol. Try also reduce the portion of food. Better to eat little but often but most of all.

3. Try to write down the schedule all of your holiday in an agenda. You design it efficiently without the behind. Write also about security and the weather is about you go. The most important thing is do not hurry to make decision-bur. Customize your vehicle with the agenda also bribe your holiday. Do not ignore the return to work.

4. If you travel by air should also note the pattern of meals and rest time in the aircraft. If will take more time, set the bed to eat. Avoid alcohol supply the body with enough tea. Do not leave your jet lag and a lot of time therefore discarded.

5. Exercise to control emotions and commitment to fulfill the schedule also play in the holiday rules. Happy holiday.

Psychological impact of domestic violence against wife

Impact is the strong influence of the draw result (either negative or positive). Violence against wives, any form will result in the victim experiencing the impact of short-term and long-term. Impact of short-term, result in the victim as physical injury, a bruise on the body, the infection, and damage to reproductive organs.

From the psychological aspect, the victim was very angry, irritated, felt guilty, embarrassed and insulted. Long-term impact can occur if the violence does not get the service and adequate assistance. The impact can be negative attitudes towards men or towards sex can even experience trauma, as a matter outside the normal limits (according to the size of himself). Victims of violence against his wife will feel the impact or result in various forms, either medical, emotional and personal (personality) and professionalism.

Stark & Flitcraft (1996) states that violence against his wife will be followed by increased risk of women on the use of alcohol, drugs, business suicide, health problems and mental health. The statement also supported by the opinion of Strauss & Gelles (1999) that women who experienced violence reported worsened health condition three times more often, experience headaches twice, experiencing depression, four times more often and try to kill themselves five times more often half - compared with women who did not experience violence.

The impact of violence against his wife, among others:

1. Suffering a serious injury, broken bones, burned, black eyes, slice, bruise, headache, muscle pains and stomach, which can last for many years after the act of violence occurred.

2. Mental health problems, such as fear, stress, depression, difficulty sleeping or eating. As a way to confront a situation of violence, women can show behaviors such as drinking alcohol, smoking, drug abuse, has a pair or more suicide attempts.

10 "destiny's" the descendants of the Difficult prevented

"Indeed it is from there," is a phrase we often hear comments about if the nature or behavior of someone. This means, that is its destiny. What if the fate of the scientific review? Clear, there are factors that can be a descendant of a person to experience the destiny of the same with his parents. Next there are 10 men on the condition that behave "destiny" offspring.

1. Alcoholism
Children could be targeted not alcoholic habitue alcohol also. But the latest studies reveal that approximately 50 percent of the children at risk alkoholik suffer a similar fate with his parents. 50 percent of them will be determined more by environment. This caused a number of genes in the parents declined to children, a kind of dependency gen.

2. Breast Cancer

It is still a mystery, but scientists have found that the mutation occurred some genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 is pemicunya. Women who inherit this mutation genes suffering breast cancer. While the men will experience cancer risk prostat.

3. Color blind

As many as 10 million U.S. men can not distinguish the red and green. Disturbances of vision are more men suffered. Why? For gen reseptor green and red are in the position near the chromosome X.

4. Violence

Minatory also if you like a father to do violence on children will decline. Aggressive behavior of male children are usually derived from his father's genes. Not only do habits of violence, but also, and antisocial behavior like stealing. Gen steal like this a lot more work on women.


Obesity is not necessarily due to the environment. Many cases where people are hard to keep militancy eat. This is because there are genes that create a barrier function of appetite does not work correctly. Gen, and this decrease. so do not wonder if you saw one family that all the fat well.

6. Heart Diseases

If you have family members suffering from diabetes or stroke, may simply be suffering from heart trouble. Children of parents of heart trouble and blood circulation will inherit the disease. More patients failed to reduce heart disease will also be similar.

7. Twin brothers

Want to have a twin brother? Check first if there are twin in our family. Twin cases this triggered by a genes that make a mother cells release multiple eggs during the evaluation. Twin offspring are not always decreasing directly to children, can jump to the grandchildren or cousin.

8. Whelk

Severe pustular you? Quite difficult to be cured if both parents are also our pimply. Studies show many school age children also have a history pustular pustular on his family.

9. Not fond Milk

There are some people who can not drink milk with animal substances laktosa womb. Indeed, their bodies can not afford to tolerate laktosa at all. For infants, usually provided with the venter susu soya laktosa low. Conditions like this are also decreased in the family.

10. Hair bald

Despite bald considered in the ordinary man, in fact it also triggered by descent. Genes that have been revealed by one party or both parents, which caused the child also suffered kebotakan. There are also people who suffer a permanent kebotakan certainly also caused by one type of genes.

Child Abuse

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Terry E. Lawson, psychiatrist international formulate the definition of violence against children, mentions four kinds of abuse there, the emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. Emotional abuse occurs when parents / carers and children after the patron knew his son asks for attention, ignore the child. He let the child wet or hungry, because the mother is too busy or do not want to be disturbed at the time. He may ignore the needs of children to be embraced or protected. Children will remember all the emotional violence, if violence is emotional progress consistent. Parents who are emotionally valid indecency on children will continue to do the same throughout the life of the child.

Verbal abuse occurs when parents / guardians and child carers, after knowing his son asks for attention, the child is told to be silent or crying. If the child starts to speak, mothers continue to use verbal violence, such as, "you fool", "you choosy", etc.. Children will remember all the verbal violence if all the verbal violence that takes place in one period. Physical abuse, occurs when parents / carers and child protective beat children (when children actually need attention). Staggerer akan remember the child that if physical violence takes place in a certain period. Meanwhile, sexual abuse does not usually occur during the first eighteen months in the lives of children. Sexual exploitation of children is a dependence, the development of sexual activity that does not Matur in children and adults, where they are not fully komprenhensif and not able to give consent because incompatible with the taboo in the family.

forms of violence on children include; 1) The physical, Non Accidental "injury" from light "bruiser laserasi" to the weight of neurologic trauma and death. Physical injury resulting from the body outside the penalty limit, or severity of toxicity, 2) children who are displaced / negligence, the activity or behavior that can cause direct damage effects on the physical condition of children and the development of psikologisnya; 3) The emotional criticism that is marked with / word -words that demean a child, does not recognize as a child. Persecution such as this usually always followed by other forms of persecution; 4) The sexual abuse, persuasive approach to practice. Forcing someone to invite children to behave / conduct of real sexual activity, so it describes the activities such as: sexual activity (oral genital, genital, anal or sodomi) including incest.